Yoko Isabella

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®)
Our minds and bodies respond to past experiences that are highly emotional
and we live roughly 70% of our lives in survival mode.
The way you react to events has shaped your current situation. Your responses are a reflection of your automatic survival mode, which is formed usually in childhood to protect yourself from pain. You may not be aware that old thoughts, beliefs, emotions and feelings are limiting your potential to live the life you want. Hypnosis can help you tap into your subconscious mind to deal with and resolve these issues.
Process Your Unresolved Emotions
Heal the Emotional Wounds
Step 1
Human beings need to acknowledge and process emotions and feelings to move forward refreshed. Suppressing negative emotions/feelings can cause stress and physical issues and is toxic to the brain.
​You MUST feel the feelings until they are no longer required to be felt.
– Marisa Peer –

Let Go
Negative Thoughts and Beliefs
In RTT sessions, your subconscious mind takes you back to 3 scenes/experiences in your past.
You will observe them, NOT re-live them.
This helps you understand how, why, when, and where your negative feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs are formed. Once you identify the root cause of your issue, you can release them easily because the neural pathway in your brain will change, as well as your
body chemistry and energy.
Step 2
Reframe Your Thoughts
After you let go of the negative feelings, emotions, thoughts and beliefs, you will replace all of them with positive ones.
I will fill your mind with words that help you see yourself and your life from a new perspective, with different angles, which open your mind. You will see the truth about yourself and find new peace. This change effects your actions and reactions naturally.

Step 3

Re-program Your Mind
Listen to a personalized recording to embed empowering thought patterns and beliefs.
Our brains and bodies can be compared to computers. In fact, we are even more brilliant than computers. However, sometimes we need to update and optimize our minds (our software).
Your mind learns with repetition. When you repeat something, your mind becomes familiar with it.
We will make the unfamiliar familiar for you.
We'll make happy thoughts familiar and then
they will define your world.